Course Description

This “Computers for Beginners” course provides a comprehensive introduction to computers and covers essential skills needed for everyday computer use. It’s suitable for individuals who are new to computing and want to gain confidence in using technology effectively.


This course is designed for individuals with little to no prior experience with computers. It covers the fundamental concepts and skills needed to use a computer confidently, navigate the operating system, and perform basic tasks such as browsing the internet and managing files.

Entry Requirements

No prior knowledge of using a computer is required for this course.


8-10 sessions (Each session is approximately 2 hours)


£60 per person per session


Course Outline

The Computer Basics course provides essential knowledge for using a PC. Learn how to use Microsoft Office to write a letter, create a presentation or simply calculate a shopping list. The course will also cover saving or transferring your documents to other computers.

Session 1: Introduction to Computers

  • What is a computer?
  • Understanding hardware and software
  • Overview of operating systems
  • Turning on and shutting down a computer

Session 2: Navigating the Desktop

  • Desktop components and icons
  • The Start menu (Windows) or Dock (Mac)
  • Using the taskbar or menu bar
  • Managing windows and applications

Session 3: Basic Mouse and Keyboard Skills

  • Mouse operation (click, right-click, double-click, drag)
  • Keyboard layout and typing practice
  • Using keyboard shortcuts
  • Common keyboard functions (Ctrl/Command, Alt/Option, Shift)

Session 4: File Management

  • Understanding files and folders
  • Creating, renaming, and deleting files and folders
  • Organizing files into folders
  • Copying and moving files

Session 5: Internet Basics

  • Introduction to web browsers
  • Navigating websites
  • Searching the internet
  • Bookmarking favorite websites

Session 6: Email and Communication

  • Setting up an email account
  • Composing and sending emails
  • Receiving and reading emails
  • Managing email contacts

Session 7: Basic Word Processing

  • Introduction to word processing software (e.g., Microsoft Word, Google Docs)
  • Creating, editing, and formatting documents
  • Saving and printing documents

Session 8: Online Safety and Security

  • Recognizing and avoiding online threats (e.g., phishing)
  • Creating strong passwords
  • Basic online privacy tips
  • Installing and updating antivirus software

Session 9: Computer Maintenance

  • Keeping your computer clean
  • Managing software updates
  • Backing up important data
  • Troubleshooting common computer issues

Session 10: Q&A and Practical Applications

  • Review of key concepts
  • Open discussion and Q&A session
  • Practical exercises based on participant needs